School Information » Attendance


Good attendance is essential for your child's success in school.  Parents can help promote good attendance by eliminating absences due to home activities, trips, and family vacations which should be scheduled to coincide with non-school days.

Average Daily Attendance (ADA) is counted only for students who are actually in attendance.  There are no longer any valid excused absences for school funding purposes.  However, for the purpose of mandatory attendance laws, student illness, unavoidable medical appointments, and family funerals are still counted as "Excused" absences.  Being at school every day is the best way to maximize your child's learning experience. 
If an unavoidable absence of THREE DAYS OR MORE will occur, please let your child's teacher know, in advance, so he/she can arrange for Independent Study assignments.


If it is necessary for your child to be absent from school, please do the following:

  1. Call our school office ((830) 931-2243 or email the Attendance Clerk between the hours of 7:30 AM and 3:30 PM to report the absence.  Preferably, call by 9 AM.
  2. If your child is absent due to a doctor's appointment, please provide a note from the doctor, and your child will receive an excused absence.  
  3. Withdrawing your student early from school is disruptive to the education of the student.   

Excessive absences or tardies may result in a referral to the principal, nurse, the District Truancy Officer, or the Medina County/Bexar County court.  


Your child is tardy if he/she arrives at school after 7:50 AM but before 9:30 AM.  If your child is late to school, he/she must first report to the office with a note from a parent or guardian explaining the reason for tardiness.  Repeated tardiness will be referred to the principal for consultation with the student and parent.  You will be notified by mail regarding the tardies.
Tardiness is disruptive to the educational process of each classroom.  Your child misses out on some of the most important information that could set the pace for the entire day.  Please assist and encourage your child to be punctual to school and to attend each day. 


For your child's protection, the following procedures are mandatory:

  1. Parents, who need to take their child(ren) out of school for appointments, must physically sign them out in the school office.
  2. A student will be released only to the parent, relative, or friend whose name appears on the child's emergency contact.
  3. If a child is returning to school from an outside appointment, he/she must first check-in at the office before going to the classroom.

Your support in scheduling non-urgent appointments for after school will lead to better student success.